External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee - Fifth Senedd

5 Tachwedd 2018

Paper to note 1 - Correspondence from the First Minister of Wales regarding Hub Cymru Africa - 16 October 2018
Paper to note 2 - Correspondence from Nick Ramsay, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee regarding the Auditor General for Wales Report: Managing the impact of Brexit on EU Structural Funds - 18 October 2018
Paper to note 3 - Correspondence from the Wales Civil Society Forum on Brexit regarding the creation of a new Brexit forum - 24 October 2018
Paper to note 4 - Correspondence from the First Minister of Wales regarding an update on progress with recommendations contained in the report on 'How the Welsh Government is preparing for Brexit?' - 1 November 2018
Scrutiny session with the First Minister of Wales - consideration of evidence
The UK Government's Agriculture Bill: Legislative Consent Memorandum