Children, Young People and Education Committee - Fifth Senedd

7 Chwefror 2018

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Health & Social Services and the Minister for Children & Social Care - further information following the meeting on 22 November
Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Education - Welsh Baccalaureate
Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Education from the National Education Union Cyrmu, the Voice the Union and UCAC
Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Education - Details of the key checkpoint dates ahead of the release of the new curriculum in April 2019
Additional information from representatives from NHS emergency duty teams and crisis care practitioners following the meeting on 10 January
E-mail to the CYPE Committee by members of Fair Deal for Supply Teachers - including their letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Education
Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Education regarding Welsh medium text books for qualifications
Inquiry into the Emotional and Mental Health of Children and Young People - Consideration of the evidence