Health, Social Care and Sport Committee - Fifth Senedd

24 Chwefror 2021

Letter from the Chair of the Culture, Welsh Language and Communication Committee to the Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism regarding follow-up work on the impact of COVID-19 on sport
Letter to the Chair from the Chair of the Petitions Committee regarding Petition P-05-812 Implement the NICE guidelines for Borderline Personality Disorder
Letter to the Chair of the Petitions Committee regarding Petition P-05-812 Implement the NICE guidelines for Borderline Personality Disorder
Letter to the Minister and Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services following the Committee meeting on 27 January 2021
Letter to the Chair from the Minister and Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services following the Committee's meeting on 27 January 2021
Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting
COVID-19: Consideration of evidence
Inquiry into the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in Wales: Report 3 - Impact on the social care sector and unpaid carers: Consideration of draft report
Inquiry into the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in Wales: Report 2 - Impact on mental health and wellbeing: Consideration of Welsh Government response