Health and Social Care Committee

27 June 2024

Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill : consideration of evidence
Letter from the Chair to the Minister for Social Care regarding profit in adult care homes
Response from the Minister for Social Care to the Chair regarding profit in adult care homes
Letter from the Chair to Judith Paget CBE, NHS Wales Chief Executive regarding NHS Wales planned care waiting times
Response from Judith Paget CBE, NHS Wales Chief Executive, to the Chair regarding NHS Wales planned care waiting times
Letter from the Chair to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care regarding an update on the implementation of the recommendations within the Committee's report; 'Waiting well? The impact of the waiting times backlog on people in Wales'
Response from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to the Chair regarding an update on the implementation of the recommendations within the Committee's report; 'Waiting well? The impact of the waiting times backlog on people in Wales'
Letter from Chair, Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee to the Minister for Social Care regarding the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill
Letter from the Minister for Social Care to the Chair regarding the Statement of Policy Intent for the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill
Letter from Chair, Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Chair regarding the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill
Letter from the Chair to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care regarding an update on the implementation of the recommendations within the Committee's report on hospital discharge and its impact on patient flow through hospitals
Response from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to the Chair regarding an update on the implementation of the recommendations within the Committee's report on hospital discharge and its impact on patient flow through hospitals
Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill : consideration of evidence

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