Finance Committee

18 September 2024

PTN 1 - Letter from Chief Pharmaceutical Officer to the Auditor General for Wales: Community Pharmacy Data Matching Pilot - 19 July 2024
PTN 2 - Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office: Statement of Principles for Directly Funded Bodies - 19 July 2024
PTN 3 - Letter from Hefin David MS, Senedd Commissioner: First Supplementary Budget 2024-25 - 19 July 2024
PTN 4 - Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office: Landfill Disposals Tax Avoidance - 23 July 2024
PTN 5 - Letter from the Temporary Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee to the Minister for Social Care: Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill - 26 July 2024
PTN 6 - Letter from the Minister for Social Care: Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill - Additional information - 26 July 2024
PTN 7 - Letter from the Minister for Social Care: Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill - Integrated Impact Assessment summaries - 30 August 2024
PTN 8 - Joint letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care and the Minister for Social Care to the Temporary Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee: Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill - Additional information - 6 September 2024
PTN 9 - Fiscal Intergovernmental Relations: Written evidence from the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy of the Autonomous Communities, Spain - 16 July 2024 (This evidence was submitted to the Finance Committee in Spanish only and translated into English with the consent of the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy of the Autonomous Communities)
PTN 10 - Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office: Fiscal Intergovernmental Relations - 2 August 2024
PTN 11 - Letter from Audit Wales: Update on Audit Wales' response to the Committee's report on Annual Scrutiny of the Wales Audit Office and the Auditor General for Wales - 12 August 2024
PTN 12 - Letter from the University and College Union: Scrutiny of the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2025-26 - 29 August 2024
PTN 13 - Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs to Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee: Service Level Agreement between Welsh Ministers, Rural Payments Agency and the British Cattle Movement Service - 2 September 2024
Financial Transactions Capital: Consideration of evidence
Cardiff Bay 2032 - Senedd Commission Technical Briefing
Financial implications of the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill: Consideration of Draft Report
Welsh Government Draft Budget 2025-26: Update on the approach to budget scrutiny
Interparliamentary Finance Committee Forum: Update

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